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Muay Thai Boran has become a catch-all term which describes the unarmed Martial Arts of Thailand. This designation includes all of the techniques found in modern Muay Thai as well as an amalgamation of the techniques of pre-1930s "Muay Boran". The Ancient systems were utilized in concert with the weapons based system of Krabi Krabong (กระบี่กระบอง) as well as in situations where weapons had been lost or broken in battle.
During times of peace when warfare with invading armies was not a concern, Muay Thai Boran was utilized to entertain Royalty and commoners during ceremonies and festivals. The Art was also used to settle disputes amongst the Thais.
There has existed many Regional Styles of Muay Thai Boran over the course of Thailand's storied and violent eight hundred year history. Prior to large-scale migration from Southern China's Yunnan Province approximately one thousand years ago, it is believed that the Thais had already began developing their unarmed combat methods as oppressed minorities of the Region.
Today top Muay Thai Boran Scholars such as Grandmasters Phosawat Saengsawan and Jarusdej Ulit have identified five primary lineages or "Sai" (สาย), of Muay Thai Boran. These five include four Regional Styles and one Eponymous Style.
The five Styles are as follows:
5 SAI MUAYTHAI BORAN (๕ สาย มวยโบราณ):
1. MUAY CHAIYA (มวยไชยา):
"Chaiya's Good Posture..." (ท่าตีไชยา)
This Style originates the Southern Province of Surat Thani Thailand. It is said to have been developed by a military officer from Bangkok named Paw Tan Ma (พ่อท่านมา). This Style specializes in close-quarters combat, using a wide parallel stance and hopping maneuvers. It is best suited to fighters of smaller stature. The rope wraps, which are known in the Thai language as "Kad Cheuak" (คาดเชือก), of this Style only go up to the wrist and have knots along the outer edge of the fist along with the knots on the knuckles, which are known as "Gon Hoi" (ก้นหอย).
2. MUAY KHORAT (มวยโคราช):
"Khorat's Heavy Punch..." (หมัดหนักโคราช)
This Style originates in the Northeast Province of Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand. It is believed to have been developed in the Ayutthaya period. Due to the Regions proximity to the border frequent skirmishes with invaders presented a requisite for the people of this area to develop their fighting skills to the highest degree. The Style is characterized by a style of fighting which is known as a "Hard" Style or in the Thai language "Muay Lak" (มวยหลัก). This Style uses an extended guard and it's most famous weapon is known as the Buffalo Punch, "Mad Wiang Kwai" (หมัดเหวี่ยงควาย). In this Style the ropes are wrapped all the way up to the elbows.
3. MUAY LOPBURI (มวยลพบุรี):
"Lopburi's Intelligence..." (ฉลาดลพบุรี)
This most Ancient of the known Styles originated in the Lopburi Province of Central Thailand. Legend has it that it was founded by a aesthetic named Grandmaster Sukatanta Reusi (ปรมาจารย์ สุกะทันตะ ฤๅษี) at a school in the Mountains in 657 CE.The Style is said to have been influenced by the movements of monkeys and elephants; as such the fighters demonstrate tactical maneuvers with great agility and evasiveness. This evasive and overwhelming Style of fighting is called "Muay Giew" (มวยเกี้ยว). They are known for their great punching abilities and intelligence. In this Style the ropes are wrapped only halfway up the arms and unlike any other Style of Muay, the ankles are also wrapped in ropes.
4. MUAY THASAO (มวยท่าเสา):
"Thasao's Speed..." (ไวกว่าท่าเสา)
This Style is from the Northern Uttaradit Province of Thailand. The exact Origins and founder of this style is unknown. The person most often associated with this style in ancient times is Kru Mek (ครูเมฆ) the teacher of Thong Dee (Phraya Pichai). This Style utilizes a guard which is extended and raised on the front hand and lowered on the rear hand. The stance is wide and places most of the weight on the rear leg with the front foot only slightly touching the ground. The Style is known for its fast kicking attacks and has both Hard and Soft
strategies, known in the Thai language as the aforementioned Muay Lak and Muay Giew respectively.
5. MUAY PHRAYA PICHAI (มวย พระยา พิชาย):
This Style is also from the Thasao Region of Uttaradit in Northern Thailand. It is the only eponymous Style of the five lineages. The Style, which is named after a legendary Mon Warrior Phraya Pichai Dab Hak, is closely related to the Thasao Style. Phraya Phichai, whose given name was Joi (จ้อย), was born in 1741 at Ban Huai Kha, Pichai, Uttaradit Province. Joi begin has Martial Arts studies under a Master named Thiang (เที่ยง) at Wat Ban Gaeng (วัดบ้านแก่ง). Joi was then renamed "Thong Dee Fan Kao" (ทองดีฟันขาว;) which means "Good Gold White Teeth" because he did not chew Betel nut, a common fruit which was chewed like tobacco which stains the teeth black. The Style combines Muay Thasao with Chinese boxing. The characteristics described for the Thasao Style are shared with this style for the most part.
Each of these Muay Thai Boran Styles includes their own terminologies, techniques, stances, footwork and concepts unique to them. There does exist many similarities in the Muay Thai Boran Styles which gives observers clues to their "Muay" nature.
THE SUKHOTHAI PERIOD (สมัยสุโขทัย)1238-1438 CE:
THE AYUTTHAYA PERIOD (สมัยอยุธยา) 1350-1767 CE:
THE THONBURI PERIOD (สมัยธนบุรี) 1767-1782 CE:
THE RATTANAKOSIN PERIOD (สมัยกรุงรัตนโกสินทร์) 1782-PRESENT:
1. Samai Suan Gulab (สมัยสวนกุหลาบ) "The Rose Garden Stadium Era":
2. Samai Ta Chang (สมัยท่าช้าง) "The Elephant Posture Stadium Era":
3. Samai Suan Sanuk (สมัยสวนสนุก) "The Amusement Park Stadium Era":
4. Samai Luk Muang "The City Ball Stadium Era" (สมัยลูกเมือง):
5. Samai Suan Jaochet "The Younger King's Garden Stadium Era" (สมัยสวนจ้าวเชษฐ):
It can be said that a sixth modern era exists which we shall refer to as:
6. Samai Yukfuenfu Sinlaba "The Renaissance Era" (สมัยยุุคฟื้นฟูศิลปะ):
All of these eras fall within the historical period which is known in Thailand as the Rattanakosin or Bangkok Period.
The current Yukfuenfu Sinlaba Preiod began in 1995 when a group of the world's top Muay Thai Boran experts came together with the objective of preserving and resurrecting the ancient teachings which had been all but forgotten after over 60 years of commercialization and economic based sport Muay Thai.
The reason for the absence of knowledge of the ancient methods was the very nature of the techniques themselves. Ironically the techniques of Muay Thai Boran which allowed the Thai people to survive many wars and not be erased from history were in fact so lethal that they almost eradicated themselves with the emergence of the ring fighting sport. One could not very well break an opponent's limbs or neck, slam them to the ground and stomp them to death after all.
So then Muay Thai Boran techniques and concepts had little or no value to the Thai people outside of warfare as it could not put food on the table as Muay Thai could.
True Muay Thai Boran includes all of the techniques of ring Muay Thai and many many more. It also brings a rich collection of Traditional practices and techniques names of which are often inspired by the 3000 year old Hindu epic known as Ramayana or in Thai the "Ramakien" (รามเกียรติ์).
Muay Thai Boran transforms mere mortals into Kings and monkey Gods as they punch, elbow, knee, kick, headbutt, slam, throw, break, and dance their way through any adversary foolish enough to attack them.
The History of MuayThai Boran, while difficult to delineate with any real precision, can nonetheless be elucidated in terms of the corresponding Periods or "Samai" (สมัย) of Thai history.
There are Four Primary Samai which correspond with the Kingdoms of Siamese or Thai History.
Which 4 ?
1. THE SUKHOTHAI PERIOD (สมัยสุโขทัย) 1238-1438 CE
During this first Period of the establishment of an independent Thai Kingdom, the Art of Muay Boran was utilized by Warriors in Close Quarters Warfare.
In the early stages of an autonomous Thai territory many wars and skirmishes transpired with neighbouring tribes and Kingdoms.
The Thais protected the land and their people by use of the weapons-based Art now called "Krabi Krabong" (กระบี่กระบอง) in concert with the Unarmed methods of Muay Boran.
The Art was taught to all Sukhothai males making for a nation of well trained and experienced Warriors, a fact which can be seen even today not only in the Rings but in the very fact that the Kingdom has thrived this long without ever being colonized unlike all its neighbouring countries.
The techniques of Muay Boran were taught in the Buddhist Wat Temples by Monks as well as Lay teachers and the Royal Court supported these efforts.
2. THE AYUTTHAYA PERIOD (สมัยอยุธยา) 1350-1767-CE
During this Period of Siamese History, the Art of Muay Boran was thriving with the full support of the Royal Palace.
It was during this Era when the famous "Tanaileuak" (ทนายเลือก) was formed to Protect the Kingdom's Nobility while inside of the Palace.
This Elite unit of Inner Palace Guards was comprised of the most Loyal and Proficient Unarmed Warriors in the Kingdom.
They were responsible for Protecting the Royal Family within the Palace walls using only the techniques of Muay Boran as weapons were not allowed within the Palace grounds.
During this Period Muay Boran was still primarily a system of Combative used in Warfare however competitive matches for entertainment at Buddhist ceremonies and festivals for Nobility became more common.
The "Pra Jao Seua" (พระเจ้าเสือ) Tiger King Style of Muay Boran was codified by The 29th King of Ayutthaya HM Sampetch VII (สมเด็จพระสรรเพชญ์ที่ ๘) Himself is the late 1600s.
A manual was produced codifying the advanced Counter-Attacking methods of "Mae Mai" (ไม้แม่) based on his innovations.
3. THE THONBURI PERIOD (สมัยธนบุรี) 1767-1782 CE
In this very short time Period directly following the fall of Ayutthaya to the Burmese that the new King, whose name was "King Taksin The Great" (สมเด็จพระเจ้าตากสินมหาราช), began to organize Warriors from around the Siamese Kingdom to free the Kingdom from the Burmese.
During this Period the primary role of Muay Boran was to protect the Kingdom from foreign Invaders and Safeguard the King who himself was trained by the Tanaileuak in The Art of War.
It was during this brief Period when the Father of Muay Thai Boran "Nai Khanom Tom" (นายขน้มต้ม) immortalized the Art after a series of fights with Burmese Champions while being held captive as a Prisoner of war.
As with earlier periods Muay Boran was taught in the Buddhist temples often by monks or Lay community members with this specialized Martial knowledge.
4. THE RATTANAKOSIN PERIOD (สมัยกรุงรัตนโกสินทร์) 1782- PRESENT:
Within the Rattanakosin Period there are said to be Five Modem Eras of Muay Boran which usher in the transition to Modern Sport Muay Thai beginning in 1929.
Which 5 ?
1. SAMAI SUAN GULAB (สมัยสวนกุหลาบ)
"The Rose Garden Era"
2. SAMAI TA CHANG (สมัยท่าช้าง)
"The Elephant Posture Stadium Era"
3. SAMAI SUAN SANUK (สมัยสวนสนุก)
"The Amusement Park Stadium Era"
4. SAMAI LUK MUANG (สมัยลูกเมือง)
"The City Mall Station Era"
5. SAMAI SUAN SOCHET (สมัยสวนเจ้าเชษฐ์)
"The Younger King's Garden Stadium Era"
I propose a Sixth which I will refer to as:
6. "SAMAI FUENFU SINLABA" (ฟื้นฟูศิลปะ)
"The Renaissance Era" 1995-Present