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From a strictly technical standpoint, Muay Sena makes extensive use of Muay Thai Boran's "Chung" (เชิงมวย), "Kon" (กลมวย) and "Blam" (มวยปล้ำ) curricula, including all of the traditional nine weapons or "Nawa Awut" (นวอาวุธ). From these technical portfolios of Muay Thai Boran a selection of the most efficacious techniques for use in reality-based combatives have been selected.
It should be noted that the targeting strategies are non-restrictive, vital targeting as a means to open lines to the primary target, the head, therefore Muay Lutrits (มวยเลิศฦทธิ์), rather than ring Muay Thai, targeting strategies are utilized.
Defensively, MuayThai Boran's "Mai Rap" (ไม้รับ) techniques are utilized. In addition to striking aspect of the standing phase, Freestyle Wrestling's shooting takedowns, shot blocking, sprawling and hooking defenses are employed.
The clinching portion of M.S. technical arsenal is derived from Muay Blam, Muay Thai Boran's stand-up grappling, with accompaning punches , headbutts, elbow and knee attacks as well as "Mai Tum"(ไม้ทุ่ม), the tripping, throwing and sweeping techniques; and "Mai Hak" (ไม้หัก), the articular destructions in the form of techniques which compromise or destroy the joints of the neck, arms or legs. This provides practitioners with a clinch echelon and the respective tie-ups, transitions, escapes, throws, sweeps, trips, lifts, dumps, slams etc.
In accordance with the conceptual guidelines of the Combative King Elephant Style or Muay Kochasan (มวยคชสาร), the Muay Sena stylist is advised to precede an attempt of a throw, trip or off-balancing with a strike of some kind to psychologically and physically off-balance the adversary and facilitate a clean throw or break.
M.S. utilizes 6 basic clinch positions which can be generally placed into a hierarcaly of dominance exerted over the foe as follows:
Front Headlock Clinch
Muay Thai Clinch (Jab Kaw)
Rear Clinch
Double Underhooks
Collar & Elbow Clinch
Over-Under Clinch
Obviously, the foes skillset, size, strength & familiarity with clinch fighting dictates which clinch is most advantageous, but generally this echelon informs M.S. positions.
Defenses to both the pure grappling & grappling with striking aspects of the clinch phase are derived from Muay Blam's curriculum. In addition to above techniques, the M.S. man is advised to consider & employ foul tactics as a means to transition, escape, open-up targets, etc. These include neck torsions , foot stomping, kneeing/grabbing of the groin, eye gouges, hair pulling & throat/jawline targeting & raking with knuckles ,forearms, etc.
Finally, selected "flying" submission techniques from Gracie Jiu-Jitsu & clinch escapes with locks/breaks are included; these typicaly are "Flying Lion Kill" ( Portuguese: Mata Leao ; Japanese : Hadaka Jime ) with body triangle/Do-Jime or drag down usually , "Flying Armbar", "Standing & Flying Guillotine", "Rolling Kimura", etc.
These are used judiciously, dependent on milieual factors (e.g. hard surfaces, space etc.) & nature of combat ( e.g. 1 on 1, or present/potential multiple-foes ) & are often finished on the ground.
The ground portion of the M.S. technical syllabus is primarily adopted from Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, including a modified positional theory & "position before submission" strategy. In M.S., limb & joint locks are executed in a violent explosive manner to break/destroy the foes appendages outright.
Stranglations ("Blood Chokes") are the prefered techniques in the constrictions category ,while chokes or techniques which effect the trachea are generally avoided if possible unless a psychological advantage can be gained. Digital chokes are discouraged & gross-motor movements are emphasised. Various neck cranks are part of the curricula, however, spinal locks, that is, locks effecting the thoratic vertebrae are generally not utilized.
Manipulations (destructions) are kept simple, with various armbars emphasised, in addition to Kimura breaks, Americanas, ankle & knee breaks, some compressive locks are utilized, normally attacking the foes arm at the elbow.
Compled with the locks/breaks & chokes/strangles of GJJ, a full range of Bokator & Ling Lom inspired elbow & knee strikes are used from all positions on the ground.
M.S. practitioners are however, generally taught to first gain a solid, dominant position before unleashing offensives of all types, however, this is a guideline, rather then a strict rule, which M.S. doesn't condone.
Modified Western Boxing punches & heel of palm strikes of Muay Boran are also utilized in this phase. As a tactic, M.S. Stylists will also, when necessary and/or advantageous, utilized some traditional Jujitsu attacks, such as biting, eye gouging, hair pulling, groin attacks etc. These are not seen as legitimate skills but rather, last resort tactics to secure an escape, release, transittion, or finishing move, they are therefore not part of training. Such tactics can be consciously executed once the practitioner is aware of their proper usage & effect in relation to situation & desired result.
The Gracies positional hierarchy is utilized, in a general echelon of dominance as follows:
Top Rear Mount
Bottom Rear Mount
Full Mount
Side Mount
1/2 Guard
Open Guard
Closed Guard
This hierarcly is arranged from most to least advantageous from the top mans perspective; as with all phases, the dominance & actual order is contingent on foes individual skillset & familiarity (or lack thereof) with this phase of combat & strategical positional ground fighting methods.
Conceptually, M.S. is primarily influenced by various systems of reality-based combatives. Of note is the Thai Art of Muay Ludrit, the Brazilian Art of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu & the Israeli Art of Krav Maga. These concepts have been distilled, modified & examined through the founders study of Jeet Kune Do & his extensive personal combat experience, exhaustive research & study of all things combat related.
M.S.'s concepts are driven by a very simple, direct & no-nonsense etho's that states the foe should be neutralized as expeditiously as possible & in a manner that is sufficient to negate the threat entirely. To accomplish ths objective M.S. pracititioners look to land devastating strikes to the head of the foe, aimed at knocking them unconcious, or at least to disorient them so that additional bodily force can be applied to end the engagement decisively.
The stomping of downed foes is a common & highly effective concept in M.S. Another important, but situational, concept of M.S. is to avoid prolonged clinches and/or ground combat, unless significant strategical advantage can be procured and outside factors (e.g. multiple foe potential/presence) are absent.
M.S. practitioners are advised to attack-preemptively when its been determined that an individual has become a serious threat if not neutralized. When attacked, M.S. practitioners are trained to go immediately from defense to offense, attacking their foe in a hyperaggressive manner. Students are taught to utilize their milieu & the objects in it, as improvised weapons. Commonly, M.S. practitioners will Teep (Linear Kick) foes into furniture & follow with an attack to unbalanced/fallen foe, slam foes on hard/sharp surfaces, pressure foes to walls & attack them using any object that can be manipulated, from a cloth item to distract/obstruct vision preceding an attack, to everyday, seemingly inoccuous items ( e.g. pens, books, cups, keys, etc. ) as concussive or projective improvised weapons.