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Pra Jao Seua is the codifier of The Legendary Tiger King Style of MuayThai Boran. As such it is of utmost importance that the reader understands just who the progenitor of this Noble lineage is. When discussing the Tiger King Style one must endeavor to elucidate not only the physical inclusions of the Art but perhaps more importantly, the rich history which gave rise to this legendary Royal pedigree of Muay.
To begin with the reader should understand that this eponymous Style is named after a legitimate King of Ancient Siam. In fact the Arts developer was the 29th king of Ayutthaya who reigned from 1703-1709 CE. The future King, was born in Tambon Potibratab Chang, Meuang Pijit, Anajak Ayutthaya (ตำบลโพธิ์ประทับช้าง, เมืองพิจิตร, อาณาจักรอยุธยา), in 1661 CE (2204 BE).
The boy was the biological son of the reigning King Narai The Great, known in Thai as "Somdet Pra Narai Maharach"(สมเด็จพระนารายณ์มหาราช) who was incognizant of his sons existence until years later. The child was conceived in Meuang Pijit by a royal concubine who was named "Nang Gusawati" (นางกุสาวดี). The King did not know that his concubine was pregnant and returned to Ayutthaya, entrusting Nang Gusawati to the General of the "Jao Grom Chang" (เจ้ากรมช้าง) Elephant Regiment who was called "Petracha" (เพทราชา). The King's former concubine gave birth to his son underneath Madeua tree inspiring her to name the genetically noble boy "Madeua" (มะเดิ่อ). Madeua was adopted by future "King Somdet Pra Petracha" (สมเด็จพระเพทราชา) who would later become the founder of the Ban Plu Luang Dynasty (ราชวงศ์บ้านพลูหลวง). Madeua later earned a position as the general of the Royal Elephant Unit, a high honor, and King Narai, now aware that Nai Madeua was his son, bestowed upon him the Noble name of "Khun Luang Sorasak" (ขุนหลวงสรศักดิ์).
Upon ascending the Throne Luang Sorasak took the Royal name of "Suriyentratibodhi" (สุริเยนทราธิบดี) and was also known as "Sampet VIII" (สรรเพชญ์ที่ ๘). His Royal Highness was given the name "Pra Jao Seua", meaning "Tiger King", for his fierce demeanor and determined resolve.
Pra Jao Seua had an interest in the combat Arts of Siam from a young age and trained in many camps. The King in fact was so dedicated to MuayThai Boran that on several occasions he disguised himself as a commoner so that he can take part in fights. Being Royalty of course would dissuade fighters from striking him let alone beating him, a fact which the Tiger King understood. There is a famous incident which demonstrates the skill and passion that the Tiger King had for MuayThai Boran. The King took a boat along the river to Tambon Talat Grut (ตำบลตลาดกรวด) dressed in the traditional folk style of commoners and approached the fight promoter of a Muay venue indicating that he was interested in fighting with the best fighters of the region. The promoter, who was unaware that the man was the King, organized the fights in the city of Wiset Chai Chan (วิเศษไชยชาญ) and attempted to match him according to his weight but the Tiger King refused saying that he would fight the best no matter their size.
The King proceeded to fight three very skilled boxers who were named "Nai Galang Mad Tai" (นายกลาง หมัดตาย) meaning "Mr. Killing Punch", "Nai Yai Mad Lek" (นายใหญ่ หมัดเหล็ก) which means "Mr. Big Iron Punch", and "Nai Lek Mad Nak" or "Mr. Little Heavy Punch" (นายเล็ก หมัดหนัก). The Tiger King defeated all three of these professional fighters and collected a purse of 1 baht (about 3 US Cents).
The Tiger King also used his skills of MuayThai Boran to save the Kingdom from a foreign puppet regime being put in place by a Greek representative of the East India Trading Company. The Greek man, whose name was "Constantine Falcon", had become close to King Narai and been given the noble title of "Jao Pra Yawichayent" (เจ้าพระยาวิชาเยนทร์). The Kings bestowing Constantine Falcon with this Royal title made him a defacto member of Thai nobility. The Tiger King's adoptive father Petracha grew suspicious of the Greek man's intentions on ruling the Kingdom via a Thai puppet King. Pra Jao Seua, who had now become a General of the "Tanaileuak" (ทนายเลือก) Special Royal Guard Unit, proceeded to brutally beat Constantine Falcon knocking out two of his teeth. Later while King Narai's health was degrading the Tanaileuak lured the Greek nobleman into an ambush and beat him to death. Shortly after this incident King Narai succumbed to his illness and the Tiger Kings adopted father Petracha seized the throne. Less than four years later, on February 6th 1703 CE, Pra Jao Seua was crowned "Suriyentratibodhi" the 29th King of the of Ayutthaya. The Tiger King proceeded to expel almost all European foreign nationals, inspiring a vindictive and false campaign of defamation which can be seen in some of the European history books.
Aside from his exploits as a practitioner of Muay Boran and his fighting prowess the Tiger King is known to be the codifier of the "Mae Mai" (เเม่ไม้) techniques. Historical records reflect that he produced a textbook on the style which he developed so that it may be passed on to future generations. The oldest surviving textbook on the Tiger King style was written during the reign of King Rama V (1868-1910 CE).
The most influential Thai language Pra Jao Seua Style reference book of modern times is a textbook book written by Yos Reungsa (ยศ เรืองสา) in 1971 called "Tamra Muay Thai" (ตำรามวยไทย). It was this textbook which inspired Grandmaster Woody to pursue Mastery of the Tiger King Style and later pass this knowledge on to countless others including the authors of these books.
In 1995, five of the worlds top Grandmasters in the Art of MuayThai Boran wrote a textbook called "Sinlaba Muay Thai" (ศิลปะมวยไทย) for the Office of National Culture Commission of Thailand. The work is based on the Tiger King manual written by Yos Reungsa.
In 2012 Grand Master Chinawut "Woody" Sirisompan compiled the most comprehensive and influential English language manual on the Tiger King Style. Grandmaster Woody's Magnum Opus was given the title "The Art of Muay Thai Boran".
Kru Nick was given the great honor to donating a large Statue of a Sacred Royal Inner Palace Guardian Warrior. The statue represents an ancient institution of Eite Royal Inner Palace Guards that were led by The Tiger King himself. The guards specialized in unarmed combat due to the weapons ban inside of the palace complex, and they were trained to defend the Royal Family while inside of the palace from all kinds of attacks using only the weapons of their body.
These specially selected and highly trained warriors are called "Tanaileuak" (ทนายเลือก) in the Thai language.
In the honor of a lifetime Kru Nick was allowed the privilege of donating the statue to The Tiger King's Royal Monastery Complex "Wat Teug" (วัดตึก พระตำหนักพระเจ้าเสือ) in the ancient capital of Ayutthaya, making him the first foreigner ever allowed to do so.
Somdej Pra Sanphet VIII, is commonly known in the Thai language as "Pra Jao Seua" (พระเจ้าเสือ), meaning The Tiger King. He was the 29th King of Ayutthaya who reigned over the Kingdom more than 300 years ago. The significance of this historic figure is the fact that he is the founder of the eponymous system of MuayThai Boran which Kru Nick has studied and practiced at great length.
Kru Nick donated yet another statue to Wat Teug, the Royal Temple complex of Pra Jao Seua in Ayutthaya.
On this momentousoccasion ru Nick dedicated a statue of one of The Tiger King's most loyal and trusted warriors, Pantai Norasing (พันท้ายนรสิงห์).
A symbol of honesty in Thailand, Pantai Norasing was the navigator of the Royal Barge "Ekachai" and a warrior close The Tiger King of Ayutthaya. He chose a dangerous canal path to protect The Tiger King from assassins causing the boats figurehead to be damaged by a tree. Despite being pardoned by The Tiger King
Pantai Norasing accepted the penalty of execution for this well-intentioned act. Initially The Tiger King ordered that a statue be made and the head be decapitated representing execution in effigy. Pantai Norasing pleaded with The Tiger King to carry out his execution in order to maintain the ancient Royal Tradition, an act of bravery and loyalty which cemented him in the annuls of Thai history.