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Kru Nicholas Anthony Sena (ครู นิโคลัส แอนโทนี่ เสนา) was born Thursday, February 23rd, 1984 in Southern California, United States of America. He was raised primarily in the Los Angeles area of California, most notably in Venice Beach.
Nick's life was difficult from early on when his biological father went to Federal Prison when Nick was just an infant. This left Nick's mother unable to care for him on her own and resulted in her asking her older cousins to raise him.
Young Nick would spend the first six years of his life with his de-facto parents, a kind and loving couple who raised him well. At the age of 6 the courts ordered he be returned to his mother and stepfather after they petitioned for custody.
It was around this time in his early life when Nick started manifesting behavioral problems and hyperactivity. Nick would come to be suspended and expelled from many schools for fighting and other such behaviors. The young boy had a hard time coping with all of the changes and struggles of his life, and began acting out.
Around the age of 9 Nick's stepfather uncharacteristically struck him in the face leaving his lips swollen and bloodied.
The next day when Nick went to school the teachers and counselors saw the injury and contacted Child Protective Services. The CPS agents promptly removed Nick from his mother's care and put him into the notoriously abusive "MacLaren Hall" which was a lockdown facility akin to a jail/orphanage. It was here when Nick began developing his strength of character contending with much older children, often gang members, who attempted to bully him.
After about a year in this system Nick was returned to the custody of his mother however, the many traumatic experiences of the "System" conditioned a escalation in his misbehaving. Nick's exposure to the juvenile delinquent environment of the Child Welfare System had begin to awaken a misguided drive towards self-preservation which would later prove to be internecine.
At the age of 12 Nick came home from school one day to find that his parents had finished moving and him being several hours late they had left him behind. He wandered the streets alone for several months before being apprehended by law enforcement and placed into a number of group homes and juvenile jails.
The Juvenile System contacted Nick's mother and ask her to retrieve him however she refused saying that his behavior were uncontrollable and she could no longer care for him.
As a result of this decision Nick would spent most of his young life living on the streets in Los Angeles as he would run away from the group homes. The facilities were horrible environments full of other discarded and troubled youth whose primary coping mechanism for the pain and neglect in their life was violence and the victimization of others.
When Nick was caught by the police roaming the streets or sleeping in abandoned houses he would be arrested and taken to Juvenile Hall, a prison for children. It was here where Nick, as a 12-year old boy would have his first experiences with Solitary Confinement being locked alone in a room almost 24/7. Nick was locked in these facilities for over a year and was regularly sprayed with pepper mace by Sadistic Guards when he asked to be allowed to come out of the cell. The guards also relished an opportunity to use this Inhumane Weapon on Nick when he was caught fighting with other children.
Nick experienced his informal introduction to the Arts of Muay Thai and Gracie (Brazilian) Jiu-Jitsu around the age of 11. Far from the nurturing and supportive environment of typical Martial Arts training centers he learned in the backyards and on the streets where mercy and Sport were unknown concepts.
Because of the unstable nature of his life, his training was inconsistent and sporadic over the next few years with actual fights being his primary training. Despite this, Nick was able to learn and retain many of the techniques very rapidly and develop a comprehensive working understanding of the fundamentals of Combat thanks to his intelligence and athletic abilities. This advantage would prove to be the primary factor that kept Nick alive in the the perilous and apathetic environments he existed in.
Around the age of 14 Nick further lost his way and began associating with the local street gang members of his tough neighborhood. He joined a very dangerous gang known as the "Venice Shore Line Crips" and began his descent into the depths of further delinquent activities.
Of significant note is that the organization which Nick became a member of was an African-American organization with Nick being the only so-called "White" member. This fact would prove to be a pivotal element on his path making him a veritable target for all and forcing him to develop his Combat prowess to a high degree.
At the age of 15 Nick was sent to prison for youths aged 25 and under called the "California Youth Authority". "Y.A." was infamous for it's brutality and inhumane abuse of children by staff and nonstop violence amongst its inmate population. This Draconian milieu, commonly known as "Gladiator School", is where Nick would commence serious development of his practical fighting skills. Over the next three years of his life Nick would fight on an almost daily basis, sometimes several times a day, with more than one opponent at a time and often with people much bigger and older than him. Because of the frequency of his fighting much of his time was spent in solitary confinement, including being locked in the archaic Tamarack Dungeon of the Preston Castle for a year.
During this period of his life Nick engaged in well over 100 real and potentially lethal fights with every conceivable scenario being experienced. Some of the Combat situations that Nick would encounter were fighting multiple opponents, fighting armed opponents, being ambushed and often engaging opponents who were much larger and stronger than him.
Nick gained a reputation amongst the populace of a battle tested, skilled and determined fighter who had the heart of a tiger and refused to be anyone's victim. This fact would often intensifiy and increase the frequency and seriousness of people attacking him. The intention of such attacks was the desire to make a name for themselves by attempting to beat and potentially murder Nick.
Because of Nick's affiliation with a black gang, the other races and gangs despised him and regularly targeted him for attacks. These attempted assaults would invariably result in Nick protecting himself by lambasting them with his own particular Style of Muay which was oftentimes coupled with slams, strangulations and limb destructions he had retained from his physical study of Jiu-Jitsu. These vicious engagements would sometimes leave Nick battered and bloodied and inevitably render his opponents unconscious and/or severely injured.
Because of the difference of Nick's appearance in relation to his former affiliates, other gang members often felt compelled to test Nick's veracity by way of bullying tactics. This dynamic stemmed from spite and deep set insecurities held by the some of the other gangsters. It is a common belief within the gang subculture of Los Angeles that "White Boy's" were inherently inferior in terms of toughness and courage. Because of this belief it often resulted in Nick being the target of bullies. Many of the black gangsters regularly attempted to verbally and physically assault Nick believing it would be an easy task. These false and racist views were exposed by Nick without fail as he demonstrated his abilities and intrepid spirit regardless of the race or size of those trying to victimize him.
Shortly before his 18th birthday Nick was released from the California Youth Authority, beginning his young life again as a free human being. Initially Nick went back in his old gang neighborhood and began associating with his so-called "Homies", however this would soon change. Nick began to realize he was wasting his life and his potentials associating with this gang. He started frequenting the area less after joining the Local 831 Union and begining honest work as a Exhibit Installation Specialist. His association with gang members all but discontinued as he begin building a normal life for himself. When Nick was 19 years old tragedy struck a friend of his named Dionte Cheatham who was murdered in the streets by the gunfire of a rival gang member at only 19 years of age. Despite him only being a teenager the gangster lifestyle had caused Nick to lose many of his friends at the hands, or more accurately guns, of other gang members. Less than a week after his friend was killed Nick was arrested and held on a $4 Million Dollar Bond at the Los Angeles County Jail, known as the largest and most dangerous jail in America. He was facing the threat of over 140 years and several Life Sentences, and potentially a Sentence of Death, for charges of murder, attempted murder and mayhem along with allegations that he had used a firearm and committed the crime for the benefit of his gang.
The man Nick was accused of gunning down was the very same man who was said to be responsible for the slaying of his friend Dionte.
Nick would spend the next 3 years of his life in the Los Angeles County Men's Central Jail, where he would experience unprecedented levels of violence. The atmosphere of the Jail was one of unmitigated violence and ruthlessness with people being stabbed and/or beaten on a daily basis, often to death, by both the other inmates and the notoriously corrupt L.A. County Sheriff's Deputies.
During his time in the Jail Nick engaged in approximately 100 life-or-death fights with hardened criminals and stone cold gangsters, most of whom had already spent significant amounts of time in prison and were facing life sentences themselves. On one notable occasion the sheriff's deputies allowed 15 inmates to ambush and attack him at once. Fortunately Nick was able to maneuver and launch a hyper-aggressive counter-attack which was effective and damaging his opponents without sustaining damage himself.
Immediately following the Mexican gangsters attempt to murder Nick the Black inmates responded by attacking all of the Mexicans throughout the jail system for several months without relent.
As a result the OSJ Gang Officers of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's upgraded Nick's Security Level to K-10 and sent him to the notorious 1750 High Power Solitary Confinement Unit. It was here where the jail kept only the most High-Profile, Influential and Dangerous inmates. It was here where Nick was first exposed to a different class of criminals and he began to dedicate himself to serious studies. He met the notorious 83 Gangster Monster Kody Scott who recognized Nick's potential, taking him under his tutelage and begin teaching him about the Kiswahili language, Prison Politics and giving Nick books to study by historical figures such as Sun Tzu, Miyamoto Musashi, Nicollo Machiavelli, Carl Von Clausewitz and other Warfare Strategists. It was while under the guidance of Monster Kody Nick truly began developing his mind from the street punk kind of mentality into a more advanced Critical Thinking individual.
Nick's Martial Arts skills and extensive Combat experience proved themselves to be effective in keeping him alive in this Survival Of The Fittest environment.
Nick was soon shackled, chained and put on a bus en route to a Maximum Security "Level-4 180", Americas highest level prisons and arguably some of perilous locales on planet Earth.
Despite many horrible and traumatic life experiences Nick was now only 22 years old and he was begining to awaken and realize that he had really lost his way, however he was now going to be living in an environment where racist politics put his life in danger and without the support of his gang he would be murdered by the other inmates.
Despite his situation over the next several years Nick would begin to become increasingly disenchanted and disillusioned with the gangster lifestyle and politics of prison, seeing clearly that this path was one of violence and ignorance, both of which was contrary to who he was.
As he recognized the dissonance of his efforts towards personal improvement catalyzed an increasing Wisdom faculty and Nick commenced conscious process of growth and maturation, slowly distancing himself from the foolishness of the gangs and the politics of prison.
Eventually, after years of suffering and hard-won experience Nick made the decision to be his own entity and silently disassociated himself with the gangs. Shortly thereafter two Gangster Crips attempted a concerted attack on him in an armed ambush. This attempt to murder Nick was a direct response to his expressing that he was no longer interested in participating in the gang's activities. A common adage in the Gang Lifestyle of Los Angeles is "Blood In Blood Out", meaning that one entered the Gang by the shedding of blood and exited in the same manner. Accordingly the gangsters would now attempt to spill Nick's blood and escort him to the afterlife.
The two men were actually members of a rival gang who nonsensically were now supposed to be allies in the prison setting. One of the men was approximately Nick's size while the other outweighed him by more than 100 pounds most of which was muscle mass. Suddenly the men launched a simultaneous surprise attack on Nick, ferociously swinging fists and knives at his head and neck.
Nick reacted swiftly with well-trained reflexes and defended himself, disarming and dismantling the would-be assassins with a series of punches, elbows, knees, linear kicks. The incident transpired in the narrow confines of a concrete hallway, the preferred Kill Zone the men had selected in an attempt to ambush him and limit his access to his Martial Arts maneuvers. Despite their best efforts and the the very small Combat Arena Nick had experienced similar scenarios many times and methodically went about executing his rapid and precise movements.
Ironically, following the engagement, Nick's defense of his life against the men who had attempted to murder him with prison made knives resulted in Nick himself being charged with attempted murder.
Nick was once again in Solitary Confinement, a tiny concrete room with nothing but a metal toilet and sink, a bed and paper thin mattress. Nick was placed in Administrative Segregation, known among the prisoners as "The Hole".
Nick was next found guilty of the false charges and sentenced to the notorious Solitary Confinement torture unit known as the "SHU" (Security Housing Unit).
Nick would spend the next 7 years of his life cut off from humanity in the abject pseudo-reality of the SHU, without access to a phone or human contact. Unlike those he shared his circumstances with Nick would spend his time reconditioning his heart and his mind through training and study.
The SHU is well known as America's most Draconian prison within a prison and it was here in mountains Tehachapi and the agricultural feilds Corcoran California where Nick's Organism and Consciousness would undergo an unprecedented level of development.
The many years of utter isolation which effectively removed Nick from the presence of humanity, was tantamount to torture and changed Nick in many ways, physically, psychologically and emotionally.
While most of the inmates who were placed in the SHU either lost their minds, or became even more criminally minded and violent, Nick used this time to develop himself in The Way of The Noble Path, learning and practicing in The Way of Bhavana.
He dedicated himself to reconditioning and religiously devoted his mind, heart and organism to the Righteous Path of Practice and study of Martial Arts Sciences and Theravada Buddhism.
Nick began intense daily physical training and assiduous academic studies of all fields related to the Martial Arts Sciences and inquiry into The Dhamma, The Teachings of The Buddha.
Nick studied academically every Style of Martial Art he could find information on, investigating not only the physical techniques but more importantly need the principles and Concepts which informed each of the respective Arts. Nick expended the majority of his time and energy on an inquiry into the Thai Martial Arts, as well as the history, culture, language and Traditions of Thailand.
Nick also began learning about human anatomy and physics of Combat, as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of violent interfaces amongst Homo Sapien Sapiens.
He renewed his interest in The Teachings of The Buddha, which he had been introduced to early on in life and had sporadically been interested in throughout his life. Now his Citta (Heart and Mind) was ready to begin to truly understand The Teachings of The Dhamma.
Nick began to share some of his insights and the Teachings by instructing others who were interested in following a better Path and changing their lives.
His life would once again be unexpectedly and violently interrupted by outside forces in an incident which he had no power to control or prevent.
It was in June of 2009 when yet another Crips assassin armed with a large prison made knife was sent into Nick's cell with orders to murder him for his disavowal in his gang ties, a violation of the gang code.
The task went to a man who had come to be called "Monster" for his size and vicious and merciless demeanor. Monster was a man who was larger than Nick and was said to be proficient in the Art of Shaolin Kung Fu. The leadership of Nick's former gang believed that the man, armed with a knife and to the outside observer, physically superior, would finally be successful in ending Nick's life.
It was a scenario which Nick had engaged in many times before and so he once again employed his training and skills to defend his life. Nick would incorporate his practical experience in fighting much larger opponents armed with prison made knives along with his technical knowledge of the Martial Arts Sciences to address the existential threat.
After the guards left the man attempted to lunge at Nick and puncture his neck with an 8 inch long metal stabbing device, however within seconds and with less than 10 strikes thrown, the Crips Assassin was lying supine on the cold prison floor, fatally wounded by Nick's kicks.
Nick was fortunate to survive the Crips assassins attempt to take his life however his assailant sadly did not survive the engagement.
Nick's unavoidable defense of himself which resulted in this tragic loss of life, would have a potentially lethal consequence for Nick himself.
Nick once again found himself fighting for his life in a courtroom; facing the Death Penalty at the hands of an apathetic and broken justice system. If Nick hadn't protected his life, he'd be but a memory and the assassin would be sitting in the courtroom facing charges of murdering Nick. Instead Nick now was indicted for the murder of the man as Self-Defense was not recognized in the State of California. Nick was now facing Capital Punishment of a Death Sentence by Lethal Injection if he was found guilty of murdering Monster.
Nick pled Not Guilty to the unfounded and trumped-up charges to no avail and fought the court case for over four years with no offer of a plea bargain or dismissal of the charges.
In 2012, after six years of renewed practice and study of the Martial Arts Sciences and Buddhism, Kru Nick had radically transformed not just his level of physical prowess and academic knowledge of the Martial Arts, but more importantly began understanding the Nature of Reality with increasing clarity. It was at this point in his life that Nick realized the powerful redemptive qualities that the practice of Martial Arts and The Dhamma offered. He had experienced firsthand the Human ability to transcend past mistakes of Unskillful Thought, Speech and Action, and it was at this time in his life that Nick began to feel compelled to share his insights with others. His singular journey, he realized, had the potential to change the lives of many others and prevent them from losing their way in the manner which he had.
Nick decided to Codify his knowledge and experience of Real Combat as well as Methods and Principles of Self-Actualization. Nick decided to name His Teachings "Muay Sena" in honor of their Thai influences and inspiration, along with his name which incidentally means "Warriors" in Sanskrit as well as in the Thai language.
This "Sena/Warriors Boxing" was to be a System intended not just to survive Combat but more importantly to thrive and grow as a human being. It's focus was the development of Kindness, Patience and Wisdom which would facilitate the avoidance of situations that can become violent. Muay Sena was not to be an Art intended for the destruction of others, but instead the destruction of one's own Defilements of unwise conditionings of interacting with the world which are conditioned by Selfishness, Aversion and Delusions. The System teaches the Skills for addressing violent interpersonal conflict, along with skills which promote the realization and development of the human beings potential for Morality, Stability of Heart/Mind and Wise Discernment. These are the Three Skillsets which the Muay Sena practitioner seeks to develop drawing guidance from The Dhamma. These skills are known in the Pali language as Sila, Samadhi and Panna and they make up the corpus of The Noble Eightfold Path.
Kru Nick's objectives in his Teachings is to develop the human beings full potential first hand experience and many insights to endow the Sishya (Student) with the productive characteristics of an Architect, rather than destructive traits of the Demolitionist.
In 2013, Nick was finally released from the SHU after enduring 7 years of being excommunicated and almost completely deprived of human contact. He now had an opportunity to access to the world by phone, a basic human right which was denied to him for so many years of his life.
Following his release from the SHU Nick was now able to contact the people which he had not been able to for so many years.
One of his first priorities was to get in touch with someone who could explain to a jury that his defense of his life against the man they called Monster was in no way malicious nor was his death intentional.
Nick promptly contacted Grandmaster Rorion Gracie, the visionary founder of the UFC and avant-garde who introduced Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to the world.
Nick explained the circumstances of the incident and requested Rorion's expert testimony and opinion of his non-culpability in the matter.
After several conversations with Nick Grandmaster Rorion, whose expertise is unrivaled when it comes to reality of Combat as the eldest son of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Co-Founder Helio Gracie, and a 9th Degree Red Belt, he agreed to support Nick by coming to court to testify on his behalf that Nick's actions, while unfortunate and imperfect, were in no way avoidable or excessive considering the circumstances.
Rorion assured Nick and his legal defense team that he was ready and willing to assist in the case. Nick's Lawyer spoke with the prosecutor and updated him about the status of his legal defense team now including a well respected Martial Arts Grandmaster with an expertise in Self-Defense and the dangers and realities of actual Combat.
Upon learning of Grandmaster Rorion's intent to join Nick's defense team, the Deputy District Attorney immediately ceded ground and offered Nick a plea deal. The agreement would be as follows:
If Nick plead No Contest to Voluntary Manslaughter he would receive a 9 year sentence rather than a Death Sentence if he was convicted of Premeditated Murder.
Nick's life experience had taught him much about Anicca, that all things are uncertain and unpredictable, so despite his innocence of the charges, Nick agreed to the plea deal rather than risk his very life on a juries whims.
Grandmaster Rorion in effect saved Nick's life by his support, Wisdom and understanding of the Ways of Combat and demonstrated his good heart to help others who are in bad situations.
In 2014 Nick became aware of a lineage of Buddhism which inspired in him a deeper understanding and more dedicated practice of The Dhamma.
While Nick had studied various forms of Buddhism for years, he now found a Tradition and Teacher which truly spoke to his experiences. Nick's understanding of the Teachings became increasingly clear as the Forest Monks of Thailand elucidated the Dhamma in a manner which Nick could directly observe as Realities consistent with what he had experienced in his life.
Nick began to study the Teachings of The Great Thai Arahant Master, Ajahn Chah Subhatto through his most Senior Western Disciples. Most notable of the Monks who influenced and taught Nick, through both direct and indirect means, is a British Bhikkhu called Pra Ajahn/Luang Por Jayasaro. Nick would spent thousands of hours listening to Ajahn Jayasaro explaining the Teachings of The Buddha in his Dhamma talks and it all made perfect sense. The discourses given by this Wise and Insightful Monk where so powerful that Nick would often spend 12 hours a day listening to the collection of MP3's which had been sent to him from Thailand.
Nick's heart and understanding changed over the next several years, as a result of his listening to and putting into practicing the Teachings.
Nick began Viriya, Putting Forth Effort into his Bhavana Cultivation through his Daily Meditation and constant Sati Mindfulness. These efforts produced noticeable progress in his Sila Morality, Samadhi Psycho-Emotional Equalibrium and Panna Wisdom Faculties.
Inspired by the Masters Nick taught himself the basic Pali terms which gave him insights into the Thai language and the deeper Concepts of Theravada Buddhism.
Simultaneous to this Spiritual Development Nick begin interacting with several of the Grandmasters of MuayThai Boran in Thailand and Europe. The Grandmasters and Masters were gracious enough to take the time to review Nick's videos of his physical movements and read his writings on the Martial Arts Sciences and his life.
After about six months of consistent interaction, the Grandmaster recognized Nick's abilities, knowledge and dedication and awarded him with the rank of Khan 10, the equivalent of a Black Belt in other Martial Arts.
Nick continued his Training and Studies with the guidance of the Grandmasters and Masters learning more about the Ancient Traditional Martial Art of MuayThai Boran. Whereas before Grandmaster's influence he'd been primarily proficient in and knowledgeable of the Modern Techniques of Muay Thai as applied to Combat of a Non-Sporting nature, Nick was now learning about Muay Boran, an Art that very few people in the world are aware of.
In 2016, following years of Study and Practice of the Ancient Teachings under the Grandmaster's auspices, Nick earned the rank of Khan 11 and the title of "Puchuay Kru" meaning "Assistant Teacher/Master".
The Grandmaster instructed Nick to develop not just his Physical Skills, as those he said were proficient, but more importantly, his heart and mind, by further setting himself on the Right Path.
This directive set Nick in motion and he continued his Auto-Didact inquest into many additional topics.
Nick taught himself to read and write the complex and challenging Thai Script so that he could truly comprehend the Thai terms for the entire curriculum of MuayThai Boran. Nick brought his Knowledge of Technical Thai terms to an in-depth level, revisited the Ramakien epic and delving into Sanskrit studies to better understand the roots of the Techniques and Terminologies.
Nick redoubled his efforts to purify his Citta Heart/Mind endeavoring to avoid Unskillful Thought, Speech and Actions.
Nick began actively seeking opportunities to follow his Grandmasters constant reminders to Right himself and "Make Merit", a catch-all phrase which means to do Good Deeds which is known in the Thai language as "Tam Bun".
This advice inspired Nick to undertake philanthropic endeavors from daily acts of kindness to contributions to hospitals for ill children whose families cannot afford pay medical bills.
In 2017 the Grandmaster awarded Nick with the Rank of Khan 12 and the Title of "Kru", a Thai word derived from the Sanskrit word "Guru". Guru is a term which can be translated as "Master" and which many in the Western world are now familiar with. In the Martial Art of MuayThai Boran the Title signifies a Fully Qualified Teacher/Master. This honor distinguished Nick as an internationally recognized expert; a significant achievement which had only been bestowed upon three other Americans in history at that time.
This great responsibility instilled Nick with a sense of urgency in his desire to contribute to the Art which had done so much to facilitate his survival and later assist in the positive development of his Heart and Mind.
Rather than feeling as though he had "made it" and had nothing more to learn, Nick realized he still had much more to learn and once again was inspired to dedicate himself to reaching new heights not only in his Practice and Study of MuayThai Boran but as a Self-Actualizing Human Being.
These Mastery experiences propelled Kru Nick to pursue a greater cause and contribute to the Art and to Humanity.
Kru Nick has had obstacles not only related to the restrictive nature of him being in prison but also related to the functioning of his Organism itself.
In early 2016 Kru Nick completely ruptured his left Achilles tendon while practicing the "Hanuman Tayan" (Flying Knee) technique.
The prisons notoriously incompetent medical staff refused to treat Kru Nick's injury stating that his self-diagnosis was inaccurate, there was nothing they could do and that the injury would heal on its own. Kru Nick, who has studied Sports Medicine and Human Anatomy for many years and understood the nature and severity of the injury, insisted he be seen by an orthopedic surgeon. After threatening a lawsuit Nick was allowed to speak with an orthopedic specialist who concurred with his diagnosis of a third-degree rupture of the Achilles tendon and agreed to perform an immediate surgical repair. Following the surgery Kru Nick could not walk for 2 months, but thanks to his extensive study of Physical Therapy, he was able to fully rehabilitate himself in six months time.
In early 2019 Kru Nick once again suffered a complete ruptured his Achilles Tendon; however, this time it was the right Calcaneo Tendon. In yet another devastating training injury Kru Nick tore his calf muscle away from his heel bone while training a particularly demanding variation of "Pra Ram Yiab Lanka" (Climbing Circular Kick) in which he repelled off of a wall and delivers a shin strike.
Although medical staff once again attempted to deny Kru Nick treatment he was able to speak to a Doctor who realized from Nicks diagnosis and unequivocal understanding of the Human Anatomy that he was knowledgeable in Sports Medicine. The Doctor authorized an immediate trip to the Emergency Room for an MRI which confirmed Kru Nick's self-diagnosis.
Kru Nick underwent another surgical repair and once again utilized his expertise to rehabilitate himself to good measure. Kru Nick resumed normal training after 6 months of self-imposed Physical Therapy.
In 2020 Kru Nick contributed his Knowledge and writting abilities in a collaborative Two Volume Comprehensive Work on The Legendary Pra Jao Seua (พระเจ้าเสือ), "Tiger King Style" of Muay Boran. The books were written in concert with Kru Nick's Friend and Colleague, Muay Thai Master and published Author, Ajarn Stuart Hurst of Manchester England. The books feature an in-depth analysis of the Techniques and Traditions of Tiger King Style of Muay Boran and the potential traumatic effects of their utilization in Combat.
In addition to the Physical Techniques of the Art aspects of Thai Buddhism and other Non-Combative Practices that are found in Thai Martial Arts Culture are explained. Volume One commences with the Fundamentals according to the Traditional Teaching Curriculum. Volume Two continues with the more Advanced portions of the Technical Portfolio and the aforementioned Rituals and Spiritual Practices.
The Books are both currently available to order on Amazon.
Kru Nick will also be releasing a revolutionary book on the Origins and Influences of MuayThai Boran in the coming future.
The book will share Kru Nick's Theories on the Indian Origins and later Influences on other Martial Arts of the world which his years of study of MuayThai Boran and the various other Styles have revealed. The work will be unlike any other book ever written on Muay Thai or Muay Boran and is sure to advance understanding and appreciation of these Noble Martial Arts.
Kru Nick also has written extensively over the years on the Codifications of Muay Sena, his personal System of Martial Arts Sciences and Self-Actualization. When the time is right Kru Nick will release these writings to the world. Currently, excerpts of Kru Nick's writtings on His System can be found on this website.
Kru Nick is considering compiling Memoirs of his life experiences. This potential autobiography may detail the many events of his life, both the traumatic including his Combat experiences as well as last known facts of his existence. One of the Seven Indicators of Wisdom is Knowing Time and Place and this will dictate the release of such writings to the world.
While Nick was sentenced to 94 Years to Life, a recently passed Law in California has all but guaranteed him a Path to Freedom. Because Nick was only a teenager at the time of the commission of the crime he was accused of, the California Youthful Offender Law states that Kru Nick may be released as early as 2027.
This proverbial light at the end of the tunnel has compelled Nick to focus himself more intently on the laying of a foundation for his life after prison.